True news that saves people's lives


Rice from India has been rejected 444 times in the United States over the last three years. Do you know the reason? There was an abundance of banned chemical pesticides. Rejected rice is easily sold to people in India. Because there is no awareness of it among the population. No TV channels will broadcast this as news because if it is, people will become more knowledgeable and seek out natural foods, reducing the sale of pesticides by American multinational companies in India.

How many of us know that American corporations are contributing billions of dollars to television networks to block this information from reaching the public?
There are dozens of testing laboratories in other countries that detect the presence of chemical pesticides in food goods, but what about India?

Farmers apply insecticides in excess and unnecessarily. The reason for this is that pesticide salespeople mislead farmers into believing that if they spray the pesticides we propose, they will have a higher harvest without insects. Hence, they sell pesticides and spray them on their fields. Farmers contract numerous infections when spraying without adequate protection. Excessive spraying causes groundwater contamination. The resulting rice transforms into a lethal poison, and when individuals consume it, the chemicals combine in their blood and cause blood cancer within ten years. This is why 19 lakh individuals in India develop cancer each year. More than one lakh people live in Tamil Nadu. More than 30,000 are children. This is a conspiracy of corporations having America as their headquarters.

Chemical pesticide use in India is increasing year after year. These are extremely potent compounds.
Another injustice is that incredibly strong pesticides that are banned elsewhere are permitted to be sold here.

The majority of the rice varieties sold in stores today are high-yielding genetically modified rice varieties developed in laboratories by American corporations. All of the chemicals and pesticides that are banned in other nations because they cause cancer have been sprayed. This increases the risk of developing blood cancer. However, television networks seldom mention that eating food grown with artificial fertilizers and pesticides can cause cancer and that eating genetically modified food might induce genetic problems. Nammalwar is the sole person who has spoken out about this and attempted to create awareness among the public. His initiatives have resulted in thousands of young people becoming involved in organic farming.

If we tell people about food that has been sprayed with artificial chemicals, they will say that it doesn't matter because everyone eats it and it's fine, despite being unaware of the dangers of pesticides and genetically modified foods.

After a few years, when physical symptoms appear and the CT scan report reveals that the cancer is in stage three or four. Then they spend lakhs of rupees and die.

People should understand that genetically modified and chemically sprayed food products are more dangerous than the coronavirus vaccination; otherwise, there will be widespread disaster.

God naturally built our bodies' organs to function properly for 120 years.

However, the chemicals used to produce atomic bombs during World War II are now being employed more extensively in Indian agriculture. People should be aware that its negative effects include cancer, kidney damage, liver damage, and pancreatitis. Growing children do not receive any naturally accessible nutrients, so 80% of mothers in India are born with hemoglobin deficiency, and their infants are born with no brain development. Genetically damaged children must spend crores of rupees. This is a massive conspiracy involving business firms headquartered entirely in the United States.

If people understand this and want the future generation to thrive, they should feed them organically farmed small grains, unpasteurized rice, pulses, and vegetables. Save your child's life in the US bio war against India.

Teach the youngsters the importance of internal organ motions, as well as organic farming, according to natural agronomist Sir. Nammalwar, so that future generations might live in peace and happiness. Don't be duped into paying millions of rupees for false English lessons... It will do no good.

The body should be safeguarded more than money because we are now surrounded by cancer-causing products from corporate entities; even millions of dollars cannot protect us if we eat them and develop disease in our internal organs.