
No need to wait for love anymore!

Both husband and wife sat down at a hotel to eat ice cream. 

"Dear!... I would like to ask you one thing...." his wife started the chat.

The husband replied, "What is this strange...Do you ask permission to speak with me...Just Ask....." and then he smiled.

"From the last month, you are coming back home early from the office, 

Taking me and our kid outing often...

Sitting with your daughter and teaching her...

You suddenly become close to us...She just started asking her doubts. " the wife asked and listed a few points.

"Nothing like that. I'm like always," he replied.

"Don't hide ... By looking at your face I can say that you are hiding something ... tell me the truth" the Wife compelled him to tell.

"what to say..", the man asked.

"Do you start having an affair with any other girl? Are we trying to be ignorant or is it something else?" His wife asked him again.

"Hahaha......You are crazy"... He loudly laughed.

But there is no activeness in his answer.

He started saying slowly...

He got a little serious and started "I expected you to ask this before I start to tell you".

"Is there any problem dear..." his wife also got serious.

He opened his office bag. He opened a diary and took out a piece of paper and held it out.

"What is in this paper? .." his wife asked him.

He asked her to read and slide back and sat comfortably.

She started reading ...

Her eyes began to shed tears...

To the beloved son,

I hope you will definitely get this letter in your hand one day.

I am writing this letter to you as a mom and to your father as a wife.

This is a very large letter. Please read patiently...

Do not read half the letter and wait for the rest to be read another day.

I was a college lecturer when I got married to your father.

Then, after you were born, luck started for your father.

He grew up in construction.

Then your sister was born ...

I left my job and started taking care of you all at home.

You already know how daddy busy were those days... One year of marriage is a dream life. Then everything was "waiting for life".

I was waiting for your father. But, He was working for the luxury life he wanted to create.

You and your sister are awesome and support me.

We play at home at that time. Then you go to school... I used to wait for you to come back.

You used to tell me the story about what happened that day. In that story, half of them will lie... I thought of your imagination and enjoyed it all.

Then you grew up... There is no story to tell me. But, I received only an order from you.

Going out now ... going out like this...

But, I could not able to ask you what time you come back as mother....... I used to wait.

I used to wait to see if you eat and come or without eating from outside.....

You were busy with your extra coaching, friends chat, etc.

In between, your father fell ill.

I used to wait for him to give the pills, medicine, and physiotherapy on time.

Waiting became life for me...

Then your sister got married ... now I don't even know how they are.

I can even talk to her only when she decides...

Because, she started waiting there .... as a mother ...

You do not need to be reminded ...

You're very busy as soon as you take over your dad's business...

Can you recall what you talked to your mom about in the last five years...

Had your meal? Had your medicine? Had your injection? That's all.

Your father was busy during his lifetime...

I was waiting.

In his last days, there was nothing with him...

But, he was waiting for only the pills ...

He has nothing to speak with me in his old days...

He read the newspaper. Read the book. Fell asleep.

Because he missed speaking with me in his young days. There is no point in speaking when he has enough time to speak now ... and he had no experience of speaking with me earlier.

This is how life ends with most moms.

When we went for an outing a day, I have seen a lot of moms there...All I could see in their eyes was the longing that was waiting.

I have seen your age guy's wives come along with them ... They tried to live everything in a day... Their eyes told and showed that for the next six days they could not even speak with their husbands.

I saw many dads doing everything their kids asked for. This is the day when the kids get things done little by little with their dads...

Your age guys started thinking that it's just a day we are losing for family.

Wondering why I said all this now in this letter? ...

In my time, I can not able to make your dad understand all this...

But you are the next generation... You would consider this...

That's why I am telling you via this letter...

I was not able to tell you when I am alive ...

Even if I was tried, You can not listen to me...That's why I wrote this letter.

You have a girl or a wife at your home...

They are waiting for you...

You do not know the affection that your sister had for your father...

But when it was revealed, Your dad was resting in the cot and was unable to move.

Her school or college friends never know that he is her father for her..she never gets a chance to introduce him to them. Your father was that much busy.

Any wish that she had to go with her father here and there was never fulfilled. 

She could not able to hear him or understand when his father was idle for the last days

Because she went to another house!!! Have you understood this life?

You don't make your wife bother and write a letter to her son ...

You earned to eat three meals today. You have no problem tomorrow as well.

Particularly say, You've working hard and earning to spend after the next ten years only.

Reduce it a little .. Come home soon...Talk to your wife and kids...Understand their wishes...

Give them some time when you are good too...

Is this a good life that waits for love and keeps someone waiting lifelong?

I hope you will do it.

You are the guy who talked to me so well. So you never do the same to your wife and daughter ...

She finished reading the letter.

Her face was kind of agitated.

She looked up at him...

Two very large Falooda ice creams had arrived at their table.

She slowly called her mother from her cell phone .....

I am here mummy.....Why not just talk to mummy?. 

What are you doing? ...

What father doing? ... she started talking.

The ice cream started to melt a little bit...

He laughed and began to eat.

It's like that going forward...No need to wait for love anymore.

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