Banana plant is a boon for this world. Each banana part is edible to consume and very
healthy. Banana leaf, raw banana, banana fruit, banana stem, banana flower, banana root,
skin of banana tree used for making food cups, plates and even making saree's. Banana
flower has kind of astringent taste which is good for producing fresh blood in our body. You
can’t get astringent taste easily from your regular diet. We have to find this kind of
ingredients and consume often to avoid lagging of enough vitamins from our body. Lets
make banana flower or banana blossom patties today.

Banana Flower - 1
All purpose flour -1 cup
Eggs - 2
Garlic pods - 4
Chopped onion - ½
Black Pepper powder - 1tsp
Salt as per your taste
Oil for shallow fry
Unpack the banana flower. In Indian market they usually tapped to avoid petals separate
during shipping. This will hold petals from long time attached with flower.
Remove the petals one by one until you see the white part of the flower.
Red color petals are very hard to consume, so we can ignore. We are going to use only each
flowers from this portion.
Clean the each flower by removing the stigma and fused petals. ( Stigma is the central part of
each flower and fused petals is the part will look like glass).
These two parts needs to be removed as it will not be eatable).
Cut the white portion into four parts and just remove the root alone.
Now add all the cleaned flowers into a pan with 2 cups water.
Bring this to boil and cook. Approximately it will take just 5 minutes.
Strain the water and finely chop them.
Squeeze the chopped flower with spatula to strain excess water using a filter.
Now add all the chopped and strained banana flower into a pan.
Along with this add a cup of all purpose flour, 4 chopped garlic pods, ½ chopped onion, 1
tsp of black pepper powder, required salt, 2 eggs and mix all together until you see a smooth
and consistency to make a patties. No need to add water as eggs will make sure to give a
good binding.
In a dosa pan, add 4 to 5 tsp of oil and heat.
Once oil hot, spread 1 or 2 tsp of banana flower mix into round shaped patties using a spoon.
Cook this side about 3 to 4 minutes.
Then flip into other side to cook. Make sure not to burn.
Now take it out and place them on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
Now the tasty and very healthy banana flower patties are ready to serve.

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