Usually, many of us throwing the ridge gourd skin while cooking. We can make the very tasty chutney or Thuvayal which will be good for rice , dosa or water rice etc. Also we can store this for 4 to 5 days easily. So dont waste the skin of ridge gourd going forward. Lets see how to make it.


Ridge gourd Skin
Dry red chilli - 4
Tamarind - 1 gooseberry size
Salt for taste
Oil for seasoning


Take the skin alone from the ridge gourd
Heat a oil in a pan. Once oil hot add ridge gourd skin and fry it until the raw smell goes out.
Then add tamarind and red chilli and fry it for a minute.
Add little bit of salt and make this mix into a fine paste.
Now your another side dish is ready to serve. Its Mouth watering Thuvayal.
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