There are many medicinal benefits of the Veldt grape.
Veldt grape is a plant that grows like a vine. The stem part of it is suitable for eating. Many types of Veldt grapes, such as flat Veldt grape and roll veldt grapes. The properties of these are almost the same. In Tamil, it is called Pirandai.
Shallow fry the Veldt grape well and cook with tamarind. Failure to do so may result in itching tongue and stomach irritation.

The young Veldt grape stem can be used for cooking. When you pick from the plant, rub coconut oil in your hand to avoid any itching.
Veldt grape contains calcium, carotene, and other vitamins. It is used extensively for bone growth.
The medicinal properties of the Veldt grape
Shallow fry the Veldt grape make chutney out of it and take it frequently. This will make you hungry.
Take an equal quantity of Veldt grape, aloe Vera root, water thorn root, garlic, dry ginger, pepper, nutmeg and grind it. Add this paste to buttermilk and drink daily to cure piles(hemorrhoids).
For bone fractures, dry the roots in the shade, make powder, lightly fry in ghee and take 1-2 grams twice a day in the morning and evening. Broken bones will start to join again.
Wilt the Veldt grape lightly and squeeze the juice. Drink 20 – 30 ml of it daily for a regular menstrual period.
Soak the crushed Veldt grape in buttermilk and drink for 2-3 days in the morning will cure Diarrhea
Medicine for swelling due to sprain
Veldt grape can definitely help in the event of a sudden sprain and therefore swelling and pain.
Peel the Veldt grape stem, grate it, and squeeze the juice. Add tamarind and salt. Bring to boil until it becomes curry consistency. Once it becomes warm apply it to the swelling part. It will get cured in just two days.
To cure swelling and sprain, dry the root well in the shade. Make powder, lightly fry with ghee, and take 1-2 grams twice a day in the morning and evening.
Veldt grape contains high levels of calcium which helps in bone growth. Therefore, people who are low in calcium may want to add more to their diet.
You can make hard chutney and dry Veldt grapes. You will get a good result.
Decrease the pain during the menstrual cycle
Women have severe abdominal pain during menstruation. Women are more likely to take painkillers for this. Painkillers are not ideal for this.
Veldt grape salt is a good solution for this. Ask at a country (Ayurvedic) drugstore for Veldt grape salt and keep it.
Take 250 mg of this salt and mix it with butter. Eat this twice a day. This will greatly reduce the risk of menstrual cramps and stomach pain.
Take 200 milligrams of the same salt, and 500 ml of nutmeg powder, and mix with ghee. Eat this daily twice to cure nervous exhaustion.

Veldt grape to cure Blood Hemorrhoids
No matter how much medicine is done to cure Blood Hemorrhoids, nothing will come right. The disease may not be cured. But, the Veldt grape is the only best medicine to cure this disease.
Chop the young Veldt grape shallow fry with ghee and grind it to a smooth paste. Make small amla-sized balls out of it and dry them in the shade to store. Take this daily twice to cure blood Hemorrhoids. Do not keep these balls for too many days.
It is also a good idea to do this occasionally even by healthy people.
Suitable medicine for Phlegm
Veldt grape is an excellent remedy for ailments such as indigestion, stroke, hand-foot pain, and cough.
Finely grind the Veldt grape. You could find a lot of fiber. Remove them completely and grind them into a smooth paste.
Next, take 200 g of it and grind it with 10 g of dry ginger, pepper, long pepper, nutmeg, gooseberry, and dandelion powder. Then make liquid palm jaggery from 200 gm and mix the ground paste it with enough ghee and stir. Store once it becomes jam consistency.
Take 5 gm daily twice to cure any kind of phlegm disease.