
Live happily - some tips

This information will not be available even if you pay crores of rupees*

Our Life, Conveniences, and Our Ills*

Get started in your home today*.

happy life

*1) Practice washing your clothes yourself first.*

*That's the first lesson you teach your children without telling them.*

*2) After waking up in the morning take a bath and worship the Lord.*

*The second lesson is you don't tell your wife.*

*3) If possible, help out in the kitchen. Our house, we will. This is the third unspoken lesson* of the joint family, joint venture.

*4) After drinking coffee, wash it if possible. Otherwise, place it in the washing place. It helps us to keep control of ourselves. This is our fourth lesson.*

*5) Help at home wherever you can. And that is the fifth important lesson – the habit of helping others.*

*6) Don't complain when you drink your morning coffee or whatever you eat. If you want, say it in a nice way. Anger and chide give us high blood pressure. This is the sixth lesson.*

*7) Before eating, if there are elders, ask them - have they eaten?. Call the children and ask them. This is the seventh lesson.*

*8) Walk as far as possible. Saving money is not the main reason here. If our feet learn to walk, we can live standing and walking till we die on our feet. This is the eighth lesson of life.*

*9) Next is television that destroys us. Even if it screams, you pick up a good book and read. Electricity charges will surely reduce. Children will start reading. This is the ninth lesson we tell ourselves.

**********************Who Will Cry When You Die?" by Robin Sharma.*

*I mean who will cry after you die? In this book titled...*

*“When you were born, you cried...*

*The world laughed..*.

*When you die, your soul will be at peace only if many people cry" Robin Sharma, let's see the wonderful ideas in this book...*

*1. Every person you meet in your life tells you something. So be kind to everyone you meet..*.

*2. Focus your time and attention on whatever you are good at. Don't spend too much time on other things.**

*3. Don't worry too often. Set aside thirty minutes each evening to worry if you need to. Think about all the worries at that time.*

*4. Get up early in the morning*.

       Many winners in life are early risers.*

*5. Practice laughing a lot everyday.*

*It will bring good health and friends.*

*6. Read lots of good books.*

*Carry a book wherever you go, even during your journey. Read while you wait.*

*7. List your problems on a piece of paper. While listing in this way, your mental burden will be reduced significantly. There is a possibility of finding a solution for that.*

*8. Think of your children as the best gift you have ever received. The best gift you can give them is the time you spend with them.*

*9. A person who asks for what he wants will look like a fool for a few minutes. He who does not ask for what he wants will be a fool for a complete lifetime*.

*10. It takes at least 21 days for any new habit to become fully absorbed into you and become your routine. So repeat the necessary things.*

*11. Listen to good music every day. Upbeat music that brings smiles and cheer.*

*12. Feel free to talk to new people as well. You may even get many like-minded people and good friendships from them.*

*13. People with money are not rich. The richest man is the one who has three best friends*.

*14. Be unique in anything. Do what others do differently and elegantly.*

*15. Not every book you start reading is meant to be finished. If it doesn't hook you in the first half hour then don't waste your time reading it further*.

*16. Your phone/handset is for your convenience. You don't have to pick up every time it hits. Don't pick up the phone even if it rings in the middle of important occasions.*

*17. Be sure to photograph your family's important events. They will help you get back to those happy days later.*

*18. When you leave the office, spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to do for your wife/kids when you get home.*

*19. No matter how successful you become, be a humble person.* *Many successful people are humble people!*

*"Pride shortens life..."

*Follow the above tips in your routine life* and 

*Live Happy* 

*I am posting to you what a friend sent me.....!!!!Live Prosperously*!

A great luxury is to live without using comforts, thinking that comforts are not needed*

*Read and share so that everyone can read and benefit.

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