
Do help unconsciously and pass it by!

A passenger just arrived in a town. He is very new and looking for an auto.

He tells the location to an auto driver woman and asked her how much to go...

The lady driver said 300-Rs

Will you come for 200 rupees? - he asked.

The woman thought for a while and said

Ok, give me 250 Rs...

He agreed to the deal.

She started and Auto flew.....

Sister, if you go this way 

Where do you eat morning Tiffin...? - He asked.

Roadside shop sir - Auto driver replied.

Then he asked, Any shop where you eat regularly

Stop there,

Both of us can eat tiffin and leave. 

After two kilometers there was a small roadside idli shop.

The shop is under a big tamarind tree.

The auto stopped near the food cart.

A middle-aged woman running the shop...

Her forehead and appearance show that she is a widow.

Sir, the food is good here. The auto driver lady said that there will be no harm to the stomach.

The idli shop lady welcomed both of them.

They parceled idli, dosa, parotta...

How much? - He asked the idli shop lady.

60-Rupees said the shopkeeper

He gave Rs.100...

The shop lady trying to see the change for 100Rs to return the balance

Business is not going well today sir

That's why it is difficult to get the change. - Shop lady replied.

ok Mom, then keep 40-Rs with you...

I will come back here tomorrow...

I will get it from you then.

They said and left from there...

Sir, you are going back to your home town today...

Also, you lied to her that you will come tomorrow and left that 40 rupees?

Sister, if we had eaten the same food in a big hotel, it would have been 250 rupees.

Then tips and tax.

We could have given 300 Rs.

Am I correct?

Whenever we get a chance

We need to help people like this, sister.

Establishment of welfare association, collection,

By doing public service,

Visiting holy places


Putting money in hundi

This is not the way to seek blessings, but in practical life, you can also seek this way sister.

The auto reached the house and arrived...

He gave her the 250 Rs. 

200-Rs is enough sir.'' - She said.

What's up, sister? He asked...

If you have this 50 rupees,

You could help someone like this

And thereby, I will be blessed, sir!"

He stopped breathing for a minute.

The holy account of that auto-car lady surpassed his holy account

Without recognizing help as help

Do it and get over it….

Our life's journey will be fruitful.

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