
Bitter herb found in sweet wine

Ancient Egyptian jars were found which are containing herbal medicines along with alcoholic beverages residue. An ancient wine jar dating to between 300 and 500 AD has been found in the Jebel Atta in southern Egypt. Chemical analysis of the inner sediments of the jar revealed that rosemary and resin of pine tree deposits are there. It is possible to know that the ancient Egyptians added wine instead of sugar for sweetness, just as we now add a spoonful of sugar to the medicine.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published this information in its April 13 issue. There is literary evidence that wine was mixed with herbs for various ailments in Egyptian paper traces dating back to 1850 BC. But not even a drop of that health drink was ever found till now.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say this is a rare finding. Two ancient jars were explored in this study. The first jar dates from 3150 BC. Discovered it at Abidos in western Egypt. The second jar belongs to the period between the fourth and sixth centuries. Discovered in Jebel Atta, southern Egypt. Analysts say these models help to examine the pre-and post-Egyptian culture.

The researchers used a technique called liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to prove the presence of wine in these jars. This allows you to examine the sediments inside the jars. At the end of the study, traces of tartaric acid were revealed as evidence for the presence of wine. Further examination using solid-phase microextraction technology revealed the presence of herbal compounds in the deposits of the jar. Coriander, mint, sage, and resin of pine tree were found in the Abydos jar. Pine and rosemary sediments were found in a jar found in the Jebel Atta.

Professor McGovern, a researcher on the project, says that these studies are ongoing and that more details about these herbs will be revealed when research is done using new technologies.

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