
Tips to darken gray hair

If you want to darken gray hair, make a paste of grated ginger with milk and apply on gray hairs and leave it for 10 minutes. Then rinse it. Follow these step at least once in a week continuously for a good result.

Mix Curd/Yogurt with Henna powder in an equal ratio and apply on the gray hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse it. This step needs to be done at least once in a week. Onion juice can be applied to get natural color of hair. This can be done monthly once.

Gray hair will grow if your body has more bile. For this problem, make powder of poppy seeds with Licorice in equal ratio and make a smooth paste by adding cow milk. Apply this paste on gray hair and rinse it after 20 minutes. You will get rid of sooner.

To get rid of gray hair, make a paste of Amla , Eclipta prostrata and Licorice with equal ratio and rub on the hair and soak it for 20 minutes and rinse it. Terminalia chebula has the power to remove gray hair and make it black. We can apply Eclipta prostrata juice along with Terminalia chebula soaked water during bath similar to conditioner.

To get rid of gray hair, keep apply coconut oil mixed with cumin seed, fenugreek seed, pepper powders.

Eat few curry leaves at morning time in the empty stomach. Apply the paste mixed with Henna, Hibiscus, curry leaves during the bath.

To make the actual color for hair Hibiscus oil is best. So we can apply either hibiscus oil to the hair directly or add few hibiscus flower in the hot oil then soak it for some time. And then apply on the hair daily.

Mix 1 liter of Coconut oil, 1 liter of sesame oil and ½ liter of amla juice. Then boil it until the amla juice water completely evaporate. Then filter it. Apply this oil for head weekly twice to get rid of gray hair.

Nowadays, many youngsters also getting gray hair. Somebody getting gray hair due to the ancestry. Worries, Tension, habit of drinking more Tea, coffee also make gray hair. Vitamin B12 will avoid gray hair.

Make a paste of Henna leaves and add lemon juice and two table spoon of fenugreek powder during night time and keep aside. In the morning apply this mix on the hair and soak it for 2 to 3 hrs. Then rinse it using a Shikakai. Make sure there is no oily hair before applying henna.

Have curry leaves chutney two days once. Avoid drinking Tea, Coffee more than once per day.

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