
Siddha Thirumoolar's formulas for being young - Terminalia chebula

Siddha Thirumoolar's formulas or tips for being young!

Excess or lack of Heat, air, and water is the reason for getting diseases.

Humans get Biliary disease by heat, Rheumatic Disease by air, Kapa disease by water.


Thirumoolar said that Terminalia chebula (Kadukkai in Tamil) has the cleansing power of cleaning one body, mind, and soul. In Tamil, traditional people called Terminalia chebula an Elixir. Terminalia chebula removes all the wastes from the stomach and extends human life. The taste of Terminalia chebula is Astringent. We need to consume 6 kinds of tastes to keep our body in proper ratio. If any of the taste is lagging, then will get diseases. It's rare to consume Astringent taste daily. Astringent taste only will produce more blood in our body. No other food has an astringent taste for our daily needs except Banana flowers. Then how we can get fresh blood into our bodies?

Terminalia chebula

If we have Terminalia chebula daily we will get enough astringent to our body. Terminalia chebula will be available in all Ayurvedic medical shops. You could make powder by removing seeds. From this powder, have daily a spoon after dinner then you will get disease-free life.

Terminalia chebula cures the following diseases: 

Eye disorders, Hearing disorders, Loss of taste, bile, Stomatitis, ENT problems, peptic ulcer, Sore Ass, Herpes, mosaic, eczema, skin diseases, Hyperthermia, LEUCORRHEA, Bladder irritation, Urinary calculus, calculus anuria, Stricture of the Urethra, Foot burn, all kinds of Hemorrhoid disease, Diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, body weakness, obesity, blood disorders, Lack of hormones for men.

Siddha Thirumoolar's one of the poems says,

Oldman also looks like a very young man if eating ginger with an empty stomach, dry ginger in the afternoon, Terminalia chebula in the nighttime for 48 days continuously.

So Terminalia chebula is one of the natural jewels to keep in everyone's home.

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